Jenny's Odd Adventures - Chapter 42 - StoryGalory (2024)

Chapter Text

“Jeez. You two are insatiable.” Jenny huffs out, cleaning herself up after another long night inside the prison, albeit with two very accommodating mobs. True to her word, Jenny sets out at noon, though it’s a day later than she’d originally intended. She waves goodbye to the two massive beasts, her twin creeper babies hugging their mutant father’s thick stump of a leg while mewling a sad goodbye. Waving goodbye, Jenny struts into the distance, this time on strong well-rested legs. As she leaves, Jenny takes a moment to collect her thoughts. She’s spent at least a week here in the Red Lands, and her status effect showed it. Last she’d checked, it was only a few hours, slowly ticking down then back up in small increments. But is now just over 150 hours, which meant she’d spent more than that time considering the slow uptick.

While here, she’d been tied up, knocked up, f*cked up, and just generally used by the mutant mob population. Not that she didn’t enjoy every second of it! But it did leave her somewhat homesick, and she could only imagine how pent-up and heavy her pets’ balls must be. Or at least aching for her personal touch~ She’d made plenty of new “friends” out here, but it was time to go home. Looking over her shoulder, Jenny waves goodbye again, smiling sadly as she fully commits to leaving. The Mutant Creeper had proved to be a gentle lover full of spirit and relentless with his tongue, convincing her body of his ownership through a slow influx of deep loving mixed with intimate moments. On the other hand, the Mutant Zombie had all but f*cked her into submission, using and abusing her tight orifices as he saw fit with his powerful f*ck sessions, emptying load after load into her like it wasn’t his business if she got knocked up. Though they were vastly different in their ways of loving, they had both succumbed to the deep abyss that was Jenny’s loving personality. Not to mention the addicting pleasure she offered.

That was two big boys she’d be happy to have on her side, and she could visit them whenever she felt like it. On that note, something had been bothering Jenny for a while… Despite the numerous times the Mutant Zombie and his hung cronies had emptied their loads inside her, they’d never succeeded in planting a baby in her. Not that she was complaining, but it was odd given the frequency of their lovemaking. Jenny had suspected this already, but were they sterile? In terms of cum production, they were like broken fire hoses spurting an endless amount of the chunky goopy jelly, but now that she thought about it, none of it had ever felt… solid. Sure, it was thick. Super thick! Chunky even. But the evidence supported Jenny’s hypothesis that they were incapable of impregnation, given the numerous times the village had failed to knock her up with their densely delicious sperm. Honestly, she should’ve guessed it at the beginning given their dead status. Though their co*cks were somehow still functional, it was impossible for the sperm to live in unregulated temperatures. Even assuming the temperature was alright, the sperm in their balls was all but sterile given the inactivity of their other organ systems.

Jenny huffs as she realizes her one regret regarding the zombie village. She wished she’d known that they were sterile sooner. Albeit it wasn’t really her fault given how little time she’d actually spent thinking while being subjected to the MZ’s lecherous experiments. I could’ve had the entire village creaming inside me since day one… Maybe next time? Jenny can’t help but snicker to herself as the naughty thought crosses her mind, turning back one last time to blow a little kiss to her new mutant family. But as she turns back, she can’t help but notice with a bit of apprehension that the MZ was looking much more… alive since their first encounter. His skin had a healthy green sheen instead of its usual dull rotting color. Or was that just a trick of the light? Had she been inadvertently reviving him with their sex? If that was true, then the heart icons during their last mutant dp was a problem… Shaking off the thoughts once more, Jenny strides off into the horizon. She’d spent way too long here already, and could feel her thoughts getting corrupted too!

Her new mutant lovers watch in silent appreciation as Jenny struts into the distance, her ample white bottom jiggling with each step and making the group drool. As he continues to wave goodbye, the MZ can’t help but feel sad. Despite the numerous fertility drugs he’d pumped into her to make Jenny the perfect breeding machine, he never got to capitalize on them and put a bun in her oven. Though now that she was leaving, he was also thankful that no other mob had managed to either. With how many drugs he’d filled her with, it wouldn’t be surprising if a random non-mutated mob could impregnate her! Unfortunately for Jenny, there was still one more mutant mob looking to play the baby lottery that was Jenny’s ovulating womb.

Jenny takes a deep breath of air as she struts forward, letting the oxygen-rich air fill her lungs and disperse through her body as a rush of energy. If not for the long trek in front of her, Jenny would’ve opted to run home. But knowing how long it’d take, Jenny reigns in her excitement, thinking of her next steps. First she’d need to find the river that she, or more specifically Slab, had jumped over. Since there were no other natural landmarks, the single stream would be her best bet of getting home quickly, and speed was of the essence. If her experience in the village taught her anything, aside from how to swallow large amounts of sem*n without choking, it was that things could get sexual dangerously fast out here in the Red Lands.

Looking around aimlessly, Jenny kneels, pushing her naked bubble butt to the sky as she assumes the position. Though no mobs were nearby to take advantage of her vulnerable posture. Putting her ear to the ground, Jenny listens, smiling when she picks up the quiet noise of rushing water in the distance. Jackpot! With a brisk walk, Jenny beelines toward the general direction of the stream, listening every few minutes to check that she was getting closer until she finally hears the quiet gurgle of rushing water. But as she reaches it, Jenny immediately realizes a vital mistake. She’d forgotten to grab any supplies!

Aside from the few pieces of bread to keep her hunger high, and her sword, nothing was left in her inventory! “Ughhhhhhhhh!” Jenny moans out, frustrated at her forgetfulness. She didn’t have a choice when it came to her clothes, given that everything was torn to shreds during the Mutant love session, but she should’ve at least brought some drinking water! And now that she was thinking about it, the dry feeling in her mouth only made the rushing water sound more enticing! Weighing her options, Jenny leans over the water’s edge, using her hand to cup a handful of the glistening stream. Despite her thirst, Jenny can’t help but be cautious. The water was crystal clear, almost shining with no signs of any contaminants, but Jenny knew just how dangerous the innocent-looking fluid could be. She’d learned from personal experience that the river’s water had dangerous levels of aphrodisiac in it, instantly bloating a horse’s balls full of sperm and increasing the fertility of any mob that drank it. And since she was, technically, a mob, the water’s effect also applied to her. For a moment, Jenny wrestles with her hypothalamus’s desire to quench her thirst. She was sooooo thirsty, but the threat of getting jumped by another mob in the night wasn’t exactly enticing. “The water here doubles as an aphrodisiac, making the sexual organs grow in size, but also become much more fertile.” The Mutant Zombie’s words echo in her mind as Jenny brings the tainted river water to her lips, instincts winning as she hesitantly takes a small sip.

The river water is as quenching as she’d imagined it to be, refreshingly cool with a bit of sweetness mixed in, and besides the smallest of heats budding in her stomach, the river water is normal as can be. Now less worried, Jenny cups up more water, gulping it down from her hand-made bowl with loud glugs, beaming as her dry tongue gets watered. But just as she’s about to stand, the budding heat in her navel becomes a raging inferno! “Ooohhhhh! What is-Ah! Happening~” Jenny protests, writhing on the floor as her insides fill with what feels like molten lava, the intense heat overtaking her senses. Gone is the lush grass tickling her bare skin. Gone is the sound of rippling water in her ears. And gone is the sweet taste lingering in her mouth. As the firestorm raging through her returns to a slight warmth, Jenny is left rolling on the grass, trying to stand but failing. The lush grass that’d tickled her skin was now lecherous hands tracing her bare skin like a seasoned lover. The rippling water can’t be heard over the sound of Jenny’s wanton moans, each loud cry recalling clear provocative memories of her past encounters. And the sweet taste in her mouth has been amplified to the nth degree, mixing with the copious amount of saliva dripping from her mouth. Putting aside the ridiculously increased sensitivity of her body, Jenny could barely even think straight, each brush of the grass making her quiver and relive her past encounters with monster and beast alike, mentally begging for something, anything, to come and take her on the spot.

Luckily, Jenny returns to normal a few minutes later, bits of grass stuck to her from humping the ground and various other lewd acts that she was too embarrassed to share. Ahem. That was… enjoyable. Jenny thinks to herself, coughing into her fist to clear her throat and brushing off strands of stuck grass. She couldn’t believe how powerful the aphrodisiac had been, making her lose her mind in mere seconds, having forced herself to org*sm through even the slightest friction on her twitching dripping labia. If I came that hard from just masturbating, I can’t wait for the next mob to find me… Wait what am I thinking?! I need to get back home! Giving herself a little slap on the wrist, Jenny clears her mind, shaking off the effects of the river water. Despite the small amount, the water had proved its potency, not to mention its potential use in the future as a weapon for disabling others. Or to be used against me~ “Huh? What’s wrong with me?” Jenny mutters out, shaking her head more as the lewd thoughts burst through her mental filter. She was always thinking about lewd opportunities, but never this brazenly. She could usually control the never-ending flow of naughty ideas.

Suspicious, Jenny opens her inventory, noticing with a bit of apprehension that she now had two status effects. The first one she’d expected, the Radiated status that kept ticking up, but the second one was far from what she’d imagined. In sharp contrast to the bright yellow and black warning that Radiated had, the icon for Sensitive was valentine’s themed, a single red heart icon that was blurry pink with vibration. It didn’t take a genius to guess what Sensitive was referring to, she could feel each strand of grass rubbing against her sole like it was a sim in a city and she was the omnipotent god controlling its every motion. Taking deep breaths, Jenny reads the small text. You have ingested infected material. Afflicted player(s) gain increased Physical sensitivity proportional to the potency and quantity of ingested material. Current sense gain is 3x. Mental Sensitivity exponentially increases as a square of Physical Sense increase. Example: Ps = 3x, Ms = Ps^2 = 9x. “Okaayyyyyy. That’s… not too bad actually.” Jenny can’t help but let out a sigh of relief as she reads the description. She’d hoped the water’s effect would disappear along with the flash heat, or maybe flash flood was more apt given the sweet nectar dripping down her inner thighs. Sure, the mental sensitivity thing was a little worrying, especially when she considered that it was adding on to the physical sensitivity’s effect, BUT!!! On the bright side, there weren’t any weird mutations this time around. Still her usual optimistic self, albeit a bit more sensitive to lewd thoughts than usual, Jenny nods to no one in particular as she comforts herself with deep breaths and calm (and lewd) thoughts. Breathe in… Suck Dick… Swallow… Breathe out…

Now calmer, and a little wet, Jenny inspects the Sensitive Status icon once more. Unlike the Radiated effect, this one was only ticking down from a few minutes, a huge relief, but there was also some kind of… wide v? Realizing it’s an arrow, Jenny hesitates to click on it, fear of learning something horrible making her stop. But after a few moments of deliberation, Jenny clicks on it, more comfortable with knowing exactly what would happen to her than not. With a cute little gasp, the arrow expands the status box, revealing another line of text that’s much more worrying than the first. Should large quantities of infectious material be ingested, proportional mutations will temporarily manifest. “f*ck…” Jenny whispers to herself. It was great that the mutations would only be temporary, but could the status be any more mysterious? It’s a game description for Notch’s sake! Shouldn’t it at least give a threshold for what time or concentration is considered a large quantity??? No. Said the author, for she did not want to bog herself down with such details.

Staying calm, Jenny stares into the water, contemplating something other than the perilously lewd situation she was in. “They won’t be happy that I’ve been gone for so long…” Jenny wonders aloud, sitting crisscross apple sauce while staring into the clear water. It was normal for her to be gone for days at a time considering her eccentric hobbies, but she’d always come back within a few days. Putting aside the blanks in her memory, it’d probably been over a week since she came back, if not two. If she were in their position, Jenny would undoubtedly be miffed at her pets for leaving her alone for so long, albeit they had each other for company. Gosh. What am I going to do? Sighing, Jenny throws a random rock into the water, doing the stereotypical movie scene of a conflicted protagonist deep in thought. Putting aside her intricate feelings toward her pets, Jenny begins to stand, ready to sprint home and curl into bed with her lovable pets protecting her.

But as she stands, a sudden bwip catches her attention, the tell-tale sound of an Enderman nearby. Huh. I didn’t think an Enderman would spawn in this area. Wait a sec- Before she can finish the thought, the bwip becomes louder, a massive black frame appearing on the other side of the river. Mouth going dry, Jenny is frozen in place staring at the blubbing water. There were three blocks between them, but she could feel the deep heat emanating off the beastly mob. Observing through the edges of her vision, she can clearly see its tall thin frame, but Jenny knew better than that. That monster standing before her was taller than any Enderman she’d ever seen, bulkier too, and way more threatening. A mutant. Just my luck!

In any ordinary situation, Jenny would’ve simply walked off. After all, Enderman were known for their relative passivity if the player didn’t stare directly at them, but Jenny wasn’t exactly lucky with avoiding confrontations with the tall black mobs. Or more accurately, they got lucky with her more often than not. Swallowing nervously, Jenny focuses on the water to avoid aggroing the imposing giant, watching it kneel and lean its long neck over the water. Is… Is it thirsty? I thought Enderman can’t touch water? Like something out of an alien horror film, the Mutated Enderman opens its massive jaw, and out slithers a slim purple tongue dripping with saliva. Jenny’s eyes are glued to the water in morbid curiosity as she watches its tentacle-like tongue slither to the river water, which sizzles on contact. Like a kid throwing a tantrum, the massive mob jumps up, clutching its tongue while hissing and screeching at the water. Emptying her mind, Jenny just sits calmly, legs tingling from sitting for so long while the imposing Enderman continues its childish tantrum.

What a predicament… I couldn’t even use a pumpkin if I had one! While still an Enderman, the mutant versions had something of a sixth sense, ignoring the pumpkin entirely. But just as Jenny thinks she’s confirmed that Mutant Enderman can’t touch water, like their non-mutant counterparts, the ME suddenly stops moving. The silence is almost deafening as the massive beast stops screaming altogether, calmly sitting down at the water’s edge, its long legs dangling in the water. Staying still as a rock, Jenny can’t help but notice its long legs suspended in the water, his submerged feet and ankles fizzling and making bubbles. Trying to avoid the natural progression up its body, Jenny drags her eyes toward the river’s center, gasping as she accidentally notices its lengthy black co*ck in the water’s reflection.

Like a black and purple bollard, the lengthy black slab grows with each passing second, throbbing as it surged thicker and pulsed with raw sexual energy. If the water’s reflection was accurate, the girthy shaft was like a co*ke can in width, and about the length of her entire arm. Remembering to breathe, Jenny can’t help but ogle the massive meat stick, drooling as she watched the fat black schlong throb up and down, growing more erect still. Captivated by the sheer size, and still experiencing some side effects of sensitivity, Jenny ogles the monster’s genitals, salivating as she imagines how it’d feel to have that giant pulsing breeder thumping against her insides, utterly wrecking her womb with deep penetrating thrusts before flooding it with its boba-like sperm orbs. Against her will, thoughts of the Enderman gangb*ng resurface in her unconscious, growing wetter by the second as she recalls how they’d treated her like a toy in her own home, gangb*nging Slimy and her in front of Alpha and Neigh Neigh with ruthless abandon.

Jenny’s eyes glaze over as she imagines his enormous dick shaft in both hands, wrapping her small white hands around the black monolith in worship and prayer. She’d feel every throb and pulse through her two-handed grip on his breeding tool, though two hands may not be enough to completely fit around its thick mast. Mmmmmm. After getting him shivering in her hands, she’d then massage his big heavy ballsack, lapping at the bright purple co*ck head that just begged to be suckled and loved with each big fat dollop of precum that leaked from its dribbling helmet…

Wiping the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand, Jenny pries her eyes away from his aching black genitals, giving a small whine as she roots herself in reality. First off, she couldn’t even see his balls! The angle of the water simply didn’t let her. Secondly, her fantasy had him calmly taking all her lascivious treatment, the massive mob probably wouldn’t even treat her like a living being, savagely using her entire body to sate its carnal desires… Jenny’s internal conflict is interrupted as the ME stands up, its monolithic co*ck meat dangling down to its knees while he sniffed the air, something sickly sweet attracting his attention.

It wasn’t like anything he’d smelled before, sweet yet somehow warm, like the touch of a seasoned lover in aromatic form. He’d wandered these empty plains for so long that he’d forgotten the touch of another, his only company the depraved and downright corrupt thoughts the water gave him. He’d begun drinking it to survive, but over time he’d come to rely on it. A slave to his thoughts, the Mutant was nothing more than a servant to his desires now. An empty husk of carnal pleasure-seeking something to empty his endless sexual appetite into, and that shell had just found the perfect receptacle for his years of mutated spunk. And that made him HARD.


The ME’s silhouette suddenly vanishes from Jenny’s peripheral vision, the wall of pitch black in front of her telling Jenny exactly where the horny mob had teleported. Keeping her head down, Jenny tries to stay still as she feels the ME’s large presence loom over her, blocking out the sky as it audibly sniffed her with deep sudden intakes. Though nervous, Jenny barely reacts, keeping her eyes to the floor as she avoided the dangling meat pole hanging in front of her. Due to their drastic height difference, the ME’s massive meat was now pulsing directly in her face! The monstrous breeding tool had a life of its own, swinging its dense shaft up and down right in front of Jenny’s open drooling mouth, as if to taunt Jenny with the gooey precum oozing forth. It’s… he’s so close… Despite her efforts, Jenny can’t help but reroute her eyes to the filthy monster meat before her, dangling at the perfect height for her to smother it in saliva and worship until she couldn’t remember her own name. Stop it Jenny! You’re better than this! Just because that thick black shaft looks so juicy doesn’t mean… She’s ripped from her thoughts again by a sudden jerk from the black python before her, its bulbous co*ck head accidentally slapping itself into her deep cleavage. Too lost in thought, Jenny had lost track of her breathing, panting like a bitch in heat, coincidentally breathing onto the ME’s meaty shaft and making it harden even further.

Oh sh*t… It’s so thick… And long… With the massive monolith of a co*ck flopping against her cleavage, all thought comes to a halt, nothing but static in her brain as all systems tried to restart. Now touching her, Jenny can’t help but feel each pulse and throb of his co*ck against her chest, the gentle stream of gooey purple precum smearing into her cleavage as it hardened further and pushed into her. Jenny nibbles on her lip as the lengthy anaconda hangs above her cleavage, sagging from its weight and pointed directly at her open mouth. God, is he teasing me? Why won’t he do anything? Her initial goal of rushing home completely forgotten in the face of a massive throbbing obstacle, Jenny tries to resist her innate urges, desperately pushing down the lewd thoughts that kept surfacing for air. Okay Jenny. You got this. Just stay still. Avoid thinking about the massive dripping meat stick in your face. Anything but nuzzling my soft lips into its lengthy shaft and lapping at the creamy fountain leaking from his head. Oh jeez! Just… don’t make the first move! As if mocking her, the ME brings a large palm down, gently caressing the top of her head before pulling Jenny into the base of its heaving monster genitalia.

Not prepared for the forwardness of the ME, Jenny gasps as she’s brought to the base of his co*ck, narrowly avoiding planting her fat co*ck sucking lips against the juicy breeding tool now throbbing against her cheek. As a consequence of her surprise, Jenny accidentally takes a deep whiff of its dick meat, immediately taking more deep breathes as her eyes flutter and lips part. Notch… he smells so good… With Sensitivity taking down her mental barricades, Jenny can’t help but drip down her thighs as she inhales the monstrous scent of black beast meat, vision cloudy and wanting nothing more than to show her slu*tty adulation to the mutant’s massive shaft. Despite the water’s effect on her, Jenny’s instincts were still intact, but those instincts were used against her. In the scuffle, though Jenny didn’t do much to resist, Jenny’s hands had naturally shot up to try and avoid the physical confrontation with the mob, avoiding his co*ck and pressing her palms into his thighs. But now that instinct to push him away was going to bring them much closer~

With both palms pressed against his thighs, she was finally close enough to feel the burning heat emanating from beneath his meaty shaft. With another gasp that sniffs up the addicting scent of erect mob dick, Jenny finally notices the congealed dark purple blob that was the ME’s ballsack. She almost c*ms on the spot as she sees the mutated ballsack, massively engorged, like a bag of marbles that’d been overfilled with plump round eggs full of dense nutmeg for breeding. Oh my~ Jenny’s mouth opens instinctually as she eyes the heaving mutated ballsack, naturally bringing both hands to the bloated sagging pouch of breeding material as she begins to slowly rub her cheek against the ME’s black beating shaft. What’s with all these excessive cum mutations when they don’t even have anything to impregnate? Jenny exasperatedly thinks, licking her lips as she continues to breathe in her new lover’s addicting scent. “Maybe they were expecting someone…” She whispers to no one in particular, growing more and more aroused as she massages the multiple testicl*s hidden inside the ME’s trash bag-sized nut sack with firm yet gentle squeezes.

Guess I’m the lucky lady that gets to drink all that delicious milk you’ve got stored~ Resigning herself to another mutant breeding session, Jenny licks her lips as she directs her attention to the massive throbbing monster meat plopped against her cheek. With how long she’d spent staring at its huge ballsack while panting, it was no surprise she loved its co*ck too. But it was humongous, a true mammoth deserving its own weight class in monster co*ck memoirs. She’d seen it earlier in the water’s reflection, but notch was he hung! Apparently the reflection had done him dirty, cause the colossal black slab hanging down her back was much larger than its reflection had let on. Oh sh*t... He’s going to break me!

With something to look forward to, Jenny swallows the pool of spit in her mouth, moving her tiny white hands from his swollen pent-up ballsack to the base of the mutant’s black python slithering against her cheek and over her shoulder. The beastly breeder throbbed in her hands like it was trying to escape, pounding against her grip with each pulse and jerk, the sheer size too big for Jenny’s hands to wrap around fully. Marveling at its mass, Jenny gives the heavy shaft a few squeezes, moaning to herself as she feels how dense it was in her grip. It felt like she was trying to break an iron ingot with her bare hands! Putting aside its hefty weight and girth, the length was truly a marvel. Jenny had taken myriad co*cks, some longer and some thicker, but the ME took the cake for length, easily hanging over her shoulder and touching the base of her back, just above her bubble butt. Notch… He’s even bigger than my kids… How is this thing going to fit inside me? Memories of her time with the mutant creeper pig monstrosity, which she affectionately called her kids, bubbling forth, and with it comes the submissive training that her mutant son had put her through. Drooling as she ogled its horrific size, Jenny mentally prepares for the long haul. If this multi-balled mutant was anything like her mutated pig son, then she wouldn’t be leaving without a full stomach or womb, maybe both since the ME looked much more solid than the monster that’d used her in the prison cell. But what was she to do? Her hands couldn’t even fit around his entire girth! Lucky for the ME, Jenny had more than just her hands to pleasure him with.

Gripping his fat shaft with both hands and sliding back to accommodate for its generous length, Jenny plants a sloppy kiss dripping with saliva and love on the dribbling co*ck head, letting her tongue slip out and circle the tiny hole where she’d be getting dessert from. As she laps at the engorged purple tip, Jenny’s hands are hard at work pumping along the ME’s long shaft, her thumbs pressed into his cumvein to milk out thick dollops of precum that are quickly swallowed. With the target of her affection an Enderman, Jenny purposefully keeps her eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of pleasuring another. One of her favorite things to do was watch her lover’s face as she milked them dry, the fleeting emotions telling her exactly how they felt with each suck and lick. But she couldn’t do that, for she risked attack in making eye contact. Fortunately for her, her Sensitive status elevated her senses to a new level. Feeling the throbbing of a pleasure drunk mob in her hands or mouth was nothing less than second nature, but Jenny could now feel each twitch and pulse of the ME’s enlarged member as if it were her own body. More than just physical observations, it was like the pleasure of the blowj*b was being reflected into her mind, the simple feeling of a dribbling slab of man meat in her mouth enough to send waves of pleasure through her.

“Gurrkkk!” Jenny chokes as the ME thrusts forwards without restraint, pushing his black monster meat deep into her throat, more than she was ready for. Gagging, Jenny reflexively puts her hands against his hip to resist the forced deepthroat, chilled when she hears a bestial rumble from above. More preemptive earthquake than monster growl, Jenny’s pleasure drunk mind interprets it as a dominant command, realizing her place as the ME’s toy as she submissively folds her hands behind her back. With something akin to mercy, the ME doesn’t immediately slam his throbbing monster meat down Jenny’s throat, instead pulling out until just Jenny’s supple pink lips are wrapped around his leaking tip. Bringing one hand down while the other holds Jenny’s head in place, the ME jacks off his girthy monster co*ck directly into his sex slave’s mouth, dominating her as liters of thick sludgy precum filled her mouth and oozed into her stomach with hearty swallows. To keep from drowning, and definitely not because of her intense love for swallowing cum, Jenny hungrily drinks down the sem*n beverage being force-fed to her, moaning and sucking with sloppy noises akin to slurping wet noodles.

Fueled by sexual instinct, the ME tilts Jenny’s head back, forcing his heavy co*ck head to slide out of her mouth with a lewd pop and flop against her face. Completely submitted to her new black master, Jenny doesn’t say or think anything as his co*ck slaps her cheek a few times, splotching her clear white skin with dark purple Enderman cream that dripped down her chin and into her ample cleavage. Pulling Jenny back to his co*ck head, he lines up the lengthy black pole to her gaping maw, relishing the sight of a female player submissively worshipping his hefty breeding tool before slowly inserting his fat pulsing member. First he appreciates the ticklish feeling of her tongue running against the bottom of his glans, then the tight wet cavity enshrining his lengthy black fertility relic. But instead of stopping there, as he usually did, the ME continues to push forward, addicted to the feeling of pleasure wrapping around his co*ck as he watched inch after inch of his filthy mob co*ck slide into the player’s throat, a black snake slithering deeper into the gagging white rabbit hole. And gag she did, but Jenny has already given up on resisting her horny ruler, even convulsing in pseudo-org*sm as she choked down his thick black monster pole, barely getting enough air as more and more of his girthy shaft stretched out her esophagus. With both hands wrapped around Jenny’s skull, she can do nothing but choke, gag, and swallow as tears well up, eyes fluttering as she struggled to breathe, a sense of absolute euphoria overtaking her mind.

But just before she passes out, the ME retracts his lengthy co*ckmeat, letting his co*ck sheathe take a huge gulp of air through her nose before resuming the torturous descent down her throat. Jenny is absolutely drunk on deepthroating as she’s forced to accept his girthy length over and over again, a hazy white at the edges of her vision each time he goes deeper before ultimately pulling out. What began as mere toying turned to a challenge as the ME continued to slide his monstrous black slab deeper into Jenny, amazed at the resilience and adaptability of his new onahole candidate. He had begun to insert it into her oral cavity as a bit of fun, just to show her who’s boss, but the harder he pushed, the more his sem*n cannon sunk in. She’d choked and gagged and salivated on each thrust, but complain or resist she did not. But the matter of whether it was her innate talents for it, a steadfast will, or complete and utter subservience to him? He did not know, and he did not wish to know as long as she continued to wrap his throbbing meat monster in more of her deliciously tight throat.

It takes numerous attempts, but he could feel it. The next insertion would be his last, balls aching to unleash gallons of mucky pink ji*zz into the perfect cumdump before him. Jenny felt it too. Trails of spit dripped down her frontside, having run off her chin and scampered down her cleavage to rest in the puddle between her kneeling thighs. She didn’t know when her legs had given out, but the ME had been nice enough to kneel with her so that his co*ck never left her mouth for more than a second. Eyes closed and puss* sopping wet, Jenny can barely contain herself as her black stud pulled at her head once more, enclosing his juicy throbbing meat with her warm and waiting mouth once again. But unlike the other times, his hands are firm against her head, co*ck throbs a little more intense, and breathing ragged. He was going to go balls deep whether she could handle it or not. Again, his dribbling co*ck head parts her plump lips, waving at her tongue as it passes by to rub her uvula before descending into her esophagus. Deeper and deeper it pushed, stopping occasionally to let Jenny take a labored breath of air through her nostrils before continuing onwards. The more he pushed, the more Jenny gave, the white curtain on her peripherals drawing closer with each inch she swallowed, yet something pushed her forwards. All her senses were screaming for her to unswallow, to cough out the disgusting monster genitalia invading her throat, but the promise of something in her subconscious told her to continue, to be the perfect co*cksleeve that would completely sheath the Mutant Enderman’s colossal length inside herself. The white curtain drew closer and closer, threatening to obscure her vision, albeit all she can see is the back of her eyelids. But this wasn’t the light of death or even life, it was something else. Something raw. Something primal, like scratching an itch so hard you feel it in your brain.

As he continues to push forward, Jenny’s throat grows tighter and tighter, swallowing and milking his shaft for all its worth, testing the ME’s willpower as he held back his load. Jenny’s throat bulged with his girth, a solid distension stretching from the underside of chin down to her cleavage. The ME was ready to explode, and Jenny was ready to receive, but there was still one last hurdle. The lower esophageal sphincter. Like a cervix for her stomach, the tight muscular valve stood steadfast against the ME’s penetrating pushes, barely budging even as he gently thrust into it. With time and willpower running out, the ME’s eyes glow a ghastly purple as he grips the back of Jenny’s skull, pulling and pushing with mutant strength as his heavy engorged balls nuzzle into Jenny’s chin. With a small click akin to an activating pressure plate, the massive mutant begins screaming as he unloads a copious load of thick slimy baby batter down Jenny’s throat, rope after hot rope of steaming Enderman cum erupting directly into the cumdump that was Jenny’s empty stomach, feeding her an entire five-course meal in seconds as load after load pours through his girthy shaft and discharges into Jenny’s waiting stomach. While the ME is busy emptying his numerous balls, Jenny can only climax in place as her brain shuts off, drowning in pleasure as her stomach bloats with the enormous load of pink viscous cum and ender pearls flooding her abdomen like boba, legs shaking as a river of girl cum squirts from her twitching puss*.

Gallon upon gallon of slimy pink monster slop pools into Jenny’s stomach, an abundant amount of Enderman spunk flooding in like a tidal wave that fills her stomach and wrecks her brain. Shot after shot of the lewd strawberry beverage is forced into our busty little protagonist who takes it in stride, too drunk on c*mslu*ttery to even register that her stomach was reaching full capacity, threatening to come back up before being swallowed back down. Luckily for her, there is an end in sight. The hydro pump slows to a river then a dribble, and finally ebbs to a stop, completely drained into his sex slave’s gaping maw. With something akin to post-nut clarity, the ME finally looks down at himself, ashamed as he looked upon the supposedly innocent victim of his monstrous desires. His large baseball glove-like hands were buried in her brown hair, holding her nose to the base of his co*ck as she quivered in climax, eyes rolled back and unseeing with her hands hanging at her sides. But what scared him the most was the sick sense of depraved pleasure he’d felt while dominating her, the beast within being unleashed due to the water’s influence. He’d succumbed once again. Having had his naughty fun, and ashamed of forcing himself onto the female player, no matter how ahem receptive she’d been. The gentle giant gingerly pulls out, Jenny’s post-org*sm sucking titillating his senses as he resisted the addicting suction. Pulling out his co*ck, he can plainly see the lengths his sex drunk self had gone to in order to satisfy his carnal cravings, a grimy pink outline of spit and cum forming rings along his lengthy black shaft, markings of his progress in a forced deepthroat.

As the ME pulls out, thick glops of pink cum spit drip down Jenny’s chin, girthy black shaft matted in webs of saliva, stringy ropes sloughing off and dripping down to Jenny’s folded legs. But just as his massive monster meat is about to flop out of her mouth, Jenny’s arms suddenly come to life, wrapping around his legs like grapevines and pulling him in, stopping his co*ck from leaving her mouth. Eyes alight with a fiery lust, Jenny tries to say Remember what I said? I’m going to drain all your ball sacks. All of them. Though the girthy co*ck tip in her mouth made it come out as “Ememer hut ah aid? Ahm oin tuh ain ah yuh allacks. Ah uh em” The ME didn’t remember her saying that, but he might’ve missed it in all the intense oral. Either way, he liked where this was heading.

In an endless cycle of suck and swallow, Jenny repeatedly engulfs his entire meaty monster in her tight throat, milking him for his delicious cum and filling her stomach with gallon upon gallon of purple-pink cum chock full of protein and ender pearls. Load after load is emptied down Jenny’s throat, her arms wrapped around his thighs to make sure his black monolith was lodged deep within her oral cavity. Aside from the copious saliva spilling from the edges of her mouth, Jenny is meticulous to swallow every drop of cum that’s shot into her, abdomen bloated and weighing her down like a giant water balloon that wanted to burst. At first, the ME had struggled a bit, not sure whether to just indulge in the pleasure the tiny white female gave him or run for his life, but his thinking quickly shifted as he realized she wasn’t here for resources or to do anything of concern, she had simply found a new master to be a cumdump for! Repeatedly deepthroating his massive member, Jenny’s stomach is swollen and bulging with the numerous sizable loads she’s swallowed, a constant influx of thick ropey mob ji*zz slopping down her throat and sloshing in her stomach.

Oh notch. I’m basically his co*cksleeve! I’m so full of his cum, it’s like I’m pregnant with it! As Jenny gushes over the fat black co*ck that she’d happened to find, the ME grabs her skull again, abandoning his previously passive behavior and taking charge as he prepared to empty the rest of his engorged mutated ballsack. f*ck! He’s so hard! I can feel his fat tip slamming into the pit of my stomach each time his juicy nuts flop against my chin! Mmmmm, drain your spunk into me, use me! I’m nothing but your plaything! Use me like a common whor*! Treat me like a cumdump whose only purpose is receiving your fertile black seed!! Unable to communicate with the tall black mutant, Jenny resorts to having dirty talk in her mind, demeaning herself as if she was the fat black mob slamming a pulsing black member down her tight co*cksleeve of a throat. As the ME lays into her with deep penetrating thrusts, Jenny prepares for the long haul, it was a journey to even swallow so many loads, she’d lost count after eleven, but this was far from over. You see, the reason she was swallowing so much cum wasn’t just because of her sheer love of cum and c*mslu*ttery, the excessive oral would also lower her chance of getting pregnant when he inevitably tried to knock her up with his fat throbbing monster co*ck. Draining his mutant balls of fertile monster sperm would let her get creampied as much as she wanted! If my puss* is going to get inflated with his thick sludgy nut then I might as well milk him for all the actual sperm and leave only the creamy gooey cum. Better to have sperm in my stomach than in my womb!

Lost in thought, Jenny chokes for a moment, losing her concentration on a particularly deep thrust from the ME, her tower of cards collapsing in mere seconds. “Hrkkk! Gurkk!” I need to breathe! As if sensing her turmoil, and despite the incessant carnal pleasure taking over, the ME suddenly releases his hold on Jenny’s head. With a lewd upheaval, the ME’s entire black monstrous throbbing veiny bitch breaker flops free, dangling down and matted with cum and ropes of spit as Jenny falls back on the grass. Catching her breath, Jenny’s massive mammaries jiggle and bounce as her lungs shrink and grow, slowly acclimating to the new availability of fresh unco*ckmeat-tainted air. Thankfully he stopped, I might’ve passed out! Jenny thinks as she sits up, eyebrows knitting as she sees the ME’s shadow nod to her. “Wait what,” The crap? D-did he just nod at me? No way! That has to be a joke! As if to deny her the satisfaction of ignorance, the ME shakes his head no, Jenny’s shadow reading telling her exactly what she feared. He can read MINDS? HUH? On cue, the mutants nods in agreement, which has Jenny curled up into herself as she blushes. Head hanging, Jenny tries to clear her mind of all thought, the embarrassment turning her face a bright red. Ohmygod!!!! Calm down! Stop thinking! Think of something else! Don’t think about his dick! Stop it!

Our embarrassed babe blushes a deep crimson as she sits up, hanging her head and pushing her hands between her thighs to hide. Unfortunately, her radiation-enhanced bosom doesn’t just disappear, instead being squished between her arms and bulging outwards like a bouncy castle for adults. Jenny physically and mentally cringes as she remembers all the naughty lines she thought up for her lewd roleplay, curling into herself even more as she comes to a realization. Wait a second… If he can read my mind… Cracking a lopsided smile, Jenny unfurls like a flower, laying back on the grass as she closes her eyes and grabs her jiggling tit* in each hand. Well come on! If you know how much of a whor* I am, then treat me like one! Sparing no time, the hung beast steps over Jenny, straddling her abdomen as he slaps his thick black anaconda into the plump white valley of Jenny’s cleavage. Like a monster-sized thermos, the Enderman’s girthy mutant shaft smacks against her face, spanking her lips while dripping gloppy dollops of precum. Her previous oral session’s slick remnants lube the soft jelly-like passageway as he begins to pump in and out, Jenny’s hands pressing her tit* together to make a tight plushy pillow for each animal-like pound.

Her massive melons rumble and bubble as the ME’s engorged ballsack plaps against her the underside of her cleavage, dragging against her stomach on each push and pull of his massive throbbing monster co*ck. Always the obedient slu*t, Jenny passionately sucks at the head of his co*ck each time it pushed through her cleavage, the lengthy f*ckstick easily pushing through her giant tit* and still overshadowing her face with its size. That’s right baby. f*ck my tit*. Do you like the feeling of these soft pillows wrapping around your juicy black monster? Even with her eyes closed, she can feel him shiver in agreement, his legs at either side of her abdomen shaking as he tried to hold back a dense and chunky load of Enderman peanut butter. co*ck tingling with numb ecstasy, the ME’s jaw hangs as he speeds up, pounding Jenny’s tit* with ruthless abandon. Apart from his overly monstrous member, another difference is that the ME kept his hands on the ground, planted to the sides of her head. Much to Jenny’s approval, he wasn’t mauling her tit* with his hands as all her other lovers did, though she did miss the feeling of utter depravity that having her nipples twisted and ample flesh groped gave. Unknown to our hopeful and lovey-dovey eyed protagonist, the Mutant was leaned over her like that simply because it gave him the best angle to thrust in his fat dick meat, his juicy girth slamming through her cleavage in a downward thrust that let it bounce off her chest and hover close over face, giving her the privilege to continue polishing his co*ck head. Not to mention the primal sense of dominance he got from towering over her small white torso, an apex predator taking advantage of a small and weak rabbit to sate his carnal desires.

Plowing her cleavage with fast deep thrusts, and given the lengthy oral milking he’d suffered, it’s no surprise that he doesn’t last long in Jenny’s titty embrace. With a miniature roar, the giant mob shoots his shot, pouring thick baby batter all over her. Plastering Jenny’s tit* and face with layer upon layer of hot gunky monster sem*n mixed with chunks of Ender pearls that’d popped. Like a fire hose, the wave of monster ji*zz washes over Jenny, a steaming serving of gelatinous Enderman gunk covering her like colored ranch dressing. Coated on her like a thick slough of purplish-pink cake mix, the fresh coat of baby paint dripping off her chin and slathered into her cleavage like expired sunscreen lotion. Even as he continues to drench her in nut, Jenny is happily swallowing all she can, craning her neck to catch the erratic spurts of man ji*zz, taking in the copious creamy load with her entire being, just enjoying the literal baby shower with her entire being. Breathing heavily, Jenny immerses herself in the heavy feeling of numerous coats of cum weighing her down, her mouth the only visible part of her from the neck up, a pink fleshy cavern meant for receiving cum, giving goodnight kisses, and swallowing co*ck. Even with her eyelids glazed closed, she senses the ME’s shadow grow larger, cracking open an eyelid to see what’s going on. Through spunk obscured vision, Jenny sees the ME’s massive baseball glove hand draw closer, tracing a line up her neck and gently caressing her cheek. Leaning into the sweet embrace, Jenny gushes for a moment before she feels his thumb press into her forehead.

What are y- Like magic, Jenny suddenly feels herself black out, the feeling of falling overtaking her for a second before jolting awake. “Wha-“ Jenny manages to squeak out before her breath is taken away by the sight before her. She was still laying on the floor, cum coat and all, but now the mutant was standing a few blocks away, a pink slime-looking figure choking down his massive throbbing monster co*ck. Upon closer inspection, the pink figure’s short dark hair and curvaceous body couldn’t help but look familiar… Just as the pink figure starts gagging on the Enderman’s juicy black shaft, a look of utter bliss in her fluttering eyes, Jenny recognizes the tiny flower in her hair, a blatant statement of identity. “Is that… me?” Jenny chokes out, a deep baritone reverberating through her mind. Yes it is. Surprised by the telepathic reply, Jenny jumps in her skin, finally noticing that she could stare at pink Jenny and the ME’s fat throat filler without getting attacked. I’m sure you have many questions. But here’s the quick explanation. Before Jenny can muster a response, words and thoughts flood into her mind, thousands of images and feelings and emotions telling her exactly what had happened.

Looking at the pink clone of her once more, a sense of emptiness fills Jenny. It was her. Her soul. All her inner desires and unconscious thoughts all rolled up into one being, manifested into existence through the Mutant Enderman’s unique abilities. She was Jenny. It was Jenny. They were two sides of the same coin. The pink version was simply a manifestation of her thoughts in physical form, unencumbered by conscious inhibitions. In one sense of the world, the pink Jenny before her was the true Jenny, eagerly deepthroating the ME’s bulging mutant co*ckmeat while begging like a whor* between breaths. With that realization comes a sense of longing, a potent feeling of need bubbling up from her stomach and into her lungs, flooding them with a white-hot passion for uncontrolled raw sex. Enraptured by the play before her, Jenny begins fervently pleasuring herself to the show. Fingering her love box, groping her breasts, twisting her nipples, anything to satisfy the fire in her growing larger by the second. Just a few blocks away, Jenny pleases herself while enjoying the show that was her soul-pleasing the Enderman Mutant.

“Mmmmm f*ck! Ruin me with your fat co*ck, won’t you? I just LOVE thick girthy monster co*ck pounding down my throat~ ❤️” As if to emphasize her point, Jenny’s soul uses the ME’s juicy black pole to slap herself a few times, completely in love with the sexual monolith that’d filled up her throat so nicely. “Just FEEL how heavy this shaft is! And look at these balls! Ha! It’s like a dream come true! You better not let me go until I’m popping out Enderman babies you hear? I want that BIG. BLACK. co*ck. Pounding into me. Wrecking my insides. Wrecking my womb. Hammer your entire length into me until I’m a shaking mess of org*sms and moans. Make me your slu*t. Your whor*. Your cumdump. I’m nothing without your fat juicy monster thumping against my insides. I don’t even care if you ruin my asshole! Just make sure you empty that dense creamy load of baby batter as deep inside my puss* as you can~ Treat me like your personal co*cksleeve! I’m just a sex toy for mobs! Pass me around to other mutants if you want! I know I’d like that! Just pin me down by the neck and pump me full of your hot steaming monster spunk~” More like a mantra that a talk, Jenny’s soul professes its love for the ME over and over again as Jenny drools while indulging in some personal fun time, eyes locked onto the pink and black pair making sweet love.

Without warning, Jenny’s soul swings the ME around, pushing on one leg and pulling the other until the Enderman is doing a squat with its co*ck pointed away from her. With a depraved gasp and deeper fingering, Jenny watches the pink soul bury her face into the ME’s asshole, licking and prodding while her hands milked his lengthy co*ck shaft like a cow teat getting drained of milk. Jenny tries to look away from the dastardly sight, simultaneously disgusted and turned on by her soul’s actions, but is unable to deny her own eyes, getting wetter by the second as she watches the ME’s lengthy black co*ck grow longer still, stimulated even more by getting eaten out. While his co*cksleeve sinks deeper into depravity, the Mutant Enderman is happily revising his own words. He was still the predator in the food chain, but Jenny had been demoted. She wasn’t good enough to be a rabbit, she was a mere bottom feeder! Subsisting off cum and pleasure! Giving into ecstasy Jenny can’t help but wish it was her in her soul’s place, feeling each throb and pulse in her hands as the ME’s massive black monster co*ck grew fatter still, an utter beast getting prepped to breed a tiny white female by her own hands. Even ignoring the clear infatuation in her soul’s eyes, her own body didn’t lie. A steady river of puss* nectar leaked between her soul’s thighs, drenching herself and emphasizing her tight winking asshole that was just waiting to be gaped. Mmmm. Is that what I look like? My holes are just begging to be stretched by huge monster co*cks~

Gaining a new appreciation for her own body, Jenny finally caves, crawling over on weak legs and arms to take her soul’s place behind the Enderman, eating out its asshole while jerking off his fat dangling member between her two hands. Assuming the position, Jenny and her soul merge into one, the combination of conscious and unconscious desires triggering a mind-breaking climax that forces Jenny to cum on the spot, org*sming so violently that she stops mid lick, collapsing onto her back while Sensitivity makes her jump to cloud nine with pleasure. Not keen on waiting, especially since Jenny’s intense org*sm would stop her for a few minutes, the Mutant simply kneels to her level, lining up his throbbing meatstick between Jenny’s ample tit* once again, but this time with his giant malignant tumor balls draped into his sex slave’s open mouth. Clean. Like a remote-controlled Roomba, Jenny automatically begins to suck and lick the trash bag-sized cum sack, jostling them around in her mouth before switching to the next one, still twitching from pleasure but just conscious enough to recognize her black master’s commands. With his fat black schlong slapped between the bountiful white valley of Jenny’s radiation-infused teats, his juicy dark purple nutsa*ck sags into her mouth, getting the royal treatment as Jenny happily suckles and licks each ball. After a lengthy rimming session, and numerous cum loads, Jenny’s draining is taking its toll, severely reducing the ME’s sperm count and stamina. Just a few pumps into Jenny’s heavenly bosom has him dribbling precum like a broken faucet, unable to hold back the wave of pleasure knocking on his mental door, begging to cum and cover Jenny’s stomach with his hefty load. But he holds on!

Monster pride keeps the massive black mutant from blowing his load so soon, gritting his teeth as he speeds up his pounding, ramming his black breeder into Jenny’s tit*leeve with rough sharp thrusts, Jenny’s intense ball suction keeping them in place as he wildly bucked his hips back and forth. The sloppy sound of cum squelches fills the two’s ears as he violently f*cks her boobs, the previous load of cum now like a gunky glue pressed between her tit* and oozing down her chin in thick mounds. But just as he thinks he can go for longer, Jenny stirs awake from her post-org*sm bliss, sucking harder and pulling on his balls with intense hunger. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, the ME does his best to stay sane. If he sped up, the pillows around his co*ck shaft rubbed harder and made the pleasure more intense. If he slowed down, the vixen on his balls would suck harder and intensified the pleasure. Stuck between two equally pleasurable options, the ME holds on by the skin of his teeth, willfully holding back his last load for just a bit longer. Without warning, Jenny sticks two fingers up his butt, accurately rubbing her digits up against his prostate and curling them to push the knuckles directly into the walnut-shaped gland. HARD. With an almost girlish moan, the ME clenches his teeth together, a big hand shooting to his fat co*ck to jerk off. Hand a blur, the ME milks his own co*ck onto Jenny’s stomach and tit*, shooting rope after stringy rope onto the clean white canvas of Jenny’s navel and adding to the pink baby paint splattered across her tit* and neck. Laid below, Jenny has a clear view of his clenching pulsing nutsa*ck as the ME continues to milk his throbbing monster co*ck, so focused on drenching Jenny’s tit* a dark pink that his balls accidentally pop free of their warm wet prison. But fret not! The Mutant is quick to replace his heavy balls with a few thick shots of monster baby batter, angling his last few spurts of dense monster matter directly into Jenny’s hungry mouth, easily overfilling it with his smelly nut milk.

Milking out the last few drops into Jenny’s mouth, the ME comes to Jenny’s side, squatting near her head with his co*ck deflating and eyes staring at Jenny’s cum glazed face. Cum covered as she may be, the ME is breathless yet again by the female’s beauty. Wide hips, ample bosom, and a slu*tty loving personality. Truly a testament to the fertility goddess, he can’t help but lean in as Jenny mutters something through her cum filled mouth, a white bubble coming forth as she smacks and her lips and tries to speak. Though it’s lost in translation, Jenny’s thoughts come through loud and clear. Mmmm, please come again~ With a jerk, the ME’s throbbing co*ck jumps back to full mast, rock hard after hearing Jenny’s words echo in his mind. Though his co*ck shaft and head are still monstrous, if not even larger than when he’d began the breeding process, his balls couldn’t help but look empty, the individual outlines of each ball visible, able to see each pair of balls jostle around his drained cum pouch. But when would he get an opportunity like this again? He HAD to try and knock up this insatiable bitch, even if it meant losing his mind in the process.

Placing his hand on Jenny’s shoulder, she only has a split second to pray for Notch’s blessing before the signature bwip of teleportation fills her ears. Blinking the motion sickness out of her eyes, Jenny realizes she’s much higher up than she should be, not to mention how breezy it is near her privates. Looking around frantically, Jenny realizes the precarious position she’s in, growing wetter by the second as her situation sinks in. tit* to chest, the massive mob held Jenny by the thighs, his large hands pressing beneath her supple legs to hold her just above the leaking tip of his black mamba. Jenny had instinctually wrapped her arms around the tall mob’s neck to not fall, close enough to feel his heavy breathing echo in her ear. Hugging him tightly, Jenny gently shuffles her hips, teasing the ME’s shivering glans with her aching labia. But despite her apparent eagerness, Jenny hears a small voice of protest in the back of her mind. I’ve already drained his balls so many times… But was it enough? The entire point of her arduously long oral session was to drain all the mutated fertile spunk from his ejacul*te, but one could never be too careful in the pursuit of pleasure from monsters. Especially ones with otherworldly endurance and potent ji*zz for knocking up those crazy enough to f*ck them. As the old saying goes, those who slay monsters should take care not to become one. Jenny gently chews on her lip as her arms wrap tighter around the muscular mob’s neck, looking into the distance as she contemplates the consequences of her actions. But her thoughts are brought to a halt as the mutant’s bulbous black glans pushes into her, parting Jenny’s dripping wet labia as it sunk deeper and stretched the tight quivering orifice. H-holy f*ck he’s big! Jenny’s eyes roll back as gravity pulls her down, forcing the monstrous meat rod deeper and deeper. Deepthroating his lengthy schlong had been one ordeal, but having it prod into her wet depths was another journey entirely. Relaxing her throat had been easy given that the pleasure she felt was self-projected, but with Sensitivity dialing up her senses and the ME’s massive length ramming into her cervix, Jenny could barely hold back multiple mind-shattering org*sms. Never mind the constantly leaking puss* juice from her mini climaxes.

With each pulse and nudge the black Excalibur sheathed deeper inside Jenny, the sheer size pushing her away from the ME’s chest and requiring a tighter grip around his neck to stay upright. Taking deep breathes, or at least trying to, Jenny can barely stay sane as she feels the ME’s tip poke against her cervix, pushing and nudging the muscular wall for entrance into Jenny’s most private place. She’d been in this situation many times before, but that didn’t lessen the anticipation of having her inner sanctum pillaged and plowed, especially given the ME’s sizable breeding tool. Unexpectedly, the repeated thrusts from his mammoth dong that would force her cervix to submit don’t come. In the blink of an eye, Jenny feels herself elevate a few inches into the air, barely gasping before she’s dropped with all her weight. With the Enderman’s hands serving as hinges, Jenny is skewered on the ME’s thick black member in an instant, half of his length promptly disappearing inside Jenny’s warm wet caverns and slamming against her cervix, which stubbornly refuses to open. Jenny barely manages to keep her arms from unfurling, stars obscuring her vision as the ME teleports Jenny off his co*ck over and over again, using gravity to slam his throbbing monster meat deeper into his personal f*cksleeve with each drop. Minimum effort, maximum pleasure. Oh fuuuuuuuuuck! Jenny drools as she focuses on breathing, on the edge of blacking out from pleasure but unwilling to skip even a second of the brutal puss* pounding. With a few more tele-smashes, Jenny’s abused cervix begrudgingly opens up, the ME’s girthy anaconda pushing past the failed womb guardian and easily distending Jenny’s uterine wall. The lengthy bitch breaker straightens Jenny out as it slams deep, breaking her grip on his neck and leaving her dangling as the ME continually slams his monstrous impregnator into her. Stuck on cloud nine, Jenny just shivers in pleasure as she’s treated as the ME’s fleshy f*cktoy, only held up by the colossal monster penis lodged inside her. Though she’s too braindead to notice, the ME’s smaller pair of hands has also unwrapped from his ribcage to support her, wrapping around her arms to prevent the tiny female from falling and hurting herself while his larger hands pumped her pocket puss* up and down his shaft.

Jenny’s arms dangle as her womb is berated by the ME’s fat co*ck, the lengthy mutant dick stretching out her womb as it oozed pink goopy precum. With each superpowered slam, Jenny’s ass jiggles with the force, radiation-infused bubble butt clapping around the interspecies dick re-shaping her stretching womb with each deep ram. Not to mention her heavy breasts that bounce up and down, attracting the attention of the ME’s slimy tongue which slinks out to suck and knead the delectable nipples of his newfound plaything. While our busty protagonist drowns in org*smic hell, the ME holds back from climax. Thanks to the radiation, the slu*tty white female had taken more of his meaty length than any other, but he was yet to experience the otherworldly release that was balls deep penetration. Ordinarily, he’d be satisfied with the deep penetration that left all but the base of his monstrous shaft covered in warm fleshy c*nt, but Jenny’s thoughts egged him on, a nonstop stream of begging flooding his mind and body with the urge to completely sheath his co*ck in the tiny human. Oh sh*t yes! Push it in to the f*cking hilt! I wanna feel those big heavy cum tanks clench against me as you dump all that sloppy sludge into meeeeeeeee! But no matter how hard he slammed her down, Jenny’s tight puss* refused to distend any further, a large protrusion already clear in her abdomen. Due to his length, the maximum penetration left his engorged co*ck head spurting precum into Jenny’s hungry fertile uterus, pressed up tightly against the uterine wall and smearing goopy pink precum all over the defenseless baby room. Taking one last look at the relatively sane quivering mess bouncing on his co*ck, the ME resigns himself to going insane. If he could knock up the breedable bitch before him, then losing his mind was a small price to pay.

Jenny is ripped from her place in the 9th cloud as she feels herself fall back precariously, or more specifically the ME hunch over and she with it due to their deep connection. Before Jenny can unclog her pleasure-laden brain to stop him, the ME unclamps one hand from her side, using it to scoop a handful of river water while his other hand kept her firmly planted on his black schlong. Jolting awake, Jenny quickly closes her mouth, covering it with both hands as the ME trickles some onto her face. Nuh uh mister Enderman. I’m not drinking it up that easi- Unnnh! Wait! What are y- Gahh! Jenny’s thoughts are scrambled like an egg as the massive mob bounces her up and down his length, mashing his giant monster phallus against the resisting wall of Jenny’s uterus, simultaneously forcing an org*sm from the overly sensitive broad while making her arms and jaw go slack. Smiling to himself, the ME trickles the palm of river water into Jenny’s mouth, unsurprised when she begins to spasm and clench around his pulsing girth. Not willing to wait, the ME continues to handle Jenny like a f*cktoy as he scoops up handful after sizzling handful of the aphrodisiac river water to trickle into her drooling lips, jerking her up and down his length with ruthless abandon.

Albeit slowly, Jenny’s body slowly acclimates to the tidal wave of Sensitivity, the ME’s fat bitch breaker slamming deeper and deeper as her body stretches and squishes more than before, letting his length monster meat plow directly into her ovaries and rearranging her guts with each brutal pound. Oh Notch! Just like that! Force your way in! Reshape my puss* with your co*ck! Turn me into your personal onahole! Ruin my womb! Pour your thick baby batter all over me! No words need to be said as the ME intercepts all of Jenny’s inner thoughts, grimacing as he finally feels his balls applaud her ample ass. Gritting his teeth, the mutant monstrosity barely holds back a tsunami of sloppy pink goop, close to the edge but unwilling to stop his private assault just yet. Holding her balls deep, he bites his tongue to refrain from unloading, seeping chunky backed-up mutant precum that slowly fills Jenny’s womb with its potently dangerous slop. But the ME wasn’t here just to fill up the tiny female, he was here to knock her up. Swallowing his worries, the towering black mob gathers another handful of the river water, his palm sizzling at the touch. He takes one last look at Jenny’s limp shivering body, noting the sizable bulge of his co*ck tip right beneath her ribcage along with the wide grin plastered across her face.

Gulping down the sizzling concoction, he holds back the urge to blow out his f*cktoy’s eardrums with a screech as the species discriminant acid pours down his throat, burning everything it touched on the way down. The burning becomes melting as what feels like molten lava splashes in his stomach, an intense heat spreading up his torso and through his limbs. Muscle fibers rip and cartilage tears as the ME’s arms and legs become stumps, indescribable pain overshadowing his senses, save for one. The only thing keeping the ME awake during his digestive implosion is the extreme soul-wrenching pleasure emanating from his inflating shaft, the sizable girth growing more monstrous by the second as his newfound strength holds Jenny balls deep on the brutal puss* breeder. Inside his balls was what felt like an ocean of potent sperm churning to life, the water’s corruption rerouting any and all excess cells to the swelling cum tanks for conversion into hyper-potent mutant sperm. But the aphrodisiac water isn’t done yet. Just as the pleasure seems to exponentially increase, so does the pain. The slow heat crawling up his torso wraps around his spine, rending bone and nerves as it cleaved its way up to the ME’s brainstem. As his jaw unhinges and tongue lengthens, the ME feels the weight of his sins crawling up his back in painful penetrating stabs, but he regretted nothing. This had never happened before, but he knew the consequences of relying on the river water, especially in such a stimulating situation. If he never woke up from the sex-crazed frenzy, then so be it.

It was at this moment that our (un)faithful protagonist wakes from her sex drunken stupor, only stirring due to the ME’s pause in brutalizing her womb. But what she sees almost makes her wish she didn’t wake up. Blinking away the fog, Jenny is face to face with a ghastly sight. The ME’s grotesque misshapen jaw hangs open like a damaged bumper, his tongue horridly long and drooping out of its drooling moist cave, unable to fit inside. Fearfully bringing her eyes upwards, she watches as the last signs of intelligent life dim from the ME’s pupils, a dark glaze clouding the mutated mob’s normally black eyes. With a moment of morbid acceptance, Jenny doesn’t struggle as his tentacle-like tongue slinks around her throat, slick saliva coating her entire neck as it gently squeezed, choking Jenny just enough to elicit the lightheaded feeling that all slu*ts loved. In sharp contrast, the ME is savage below, ruthlessly pounding his arm-length breeding tool deep into Jenny’s abused baby holder, slamming so deep that it felt like he was trying to exit from her mouth. Combined with the gentle choking, Jenny can just barely breathe, each thrust and squeeze shutting down her thoughts and reducing her to nothing more than a thick ass c*mslu*t for big black Enderman co*ck. With how much radiation and aphrodisiac water she’d been exposed to, Jenny can’t muster an ounce of resistance as his massive member pounds away at her womb, molding Jenny’s puss* into its personal breeding grounds. Nor did she want to given the nonstop org*sms bombarding her overly sensitive system. Savage slam after ruthless ram rearranges Jenny’s insides for baby bearing, carving out bulges in her abdomen as the ME forces his massive monster co*ck balls deep on each jerk, heavy mutated nutsa*ck rippling against her bubble butt. Lost in the moment, and unable to resist given his two tree trunk-like arms clamped around Jenny as he utterly wrecked the stretchy human co*cksleeve, Jenny is forced into a pleasure-induced coma once more, only cognizant enough to realize all her hard work had gone to waste. Her high protein diet of radiated Enderman cum and pearls sitting in her stomach was now just that. A nasty chunky diet for monster slu*ts. The water she’d drank had increased her fertility, not to mention dial up her physical and mental sensitivity, and the ME had refilled his balls fuller than they were before. Just feeling the heavy garbage bags of baby batter clap against her butt filled Jenny with dread and anticipation. She knew what a potent cum load full of impregnating monster sperm felt like, and his jewels were packed to the brim, if not more given how excessively bloated they were.

All her efforts to avoid getting pregnant had gone down the drain in mere moments. Now she could only depend on nature’s pregnancy lottery that she was so used to betting on, and though she often won, this time felt risky. Pushing aside the potential consequences of her monster milking lifestyle, Jenny loses herself in the passion of their lovemaking, simply savoring the dangerously deep breeding that she’d subjected herself to. The loud clap clap clap of skin on skin disperses across the flatlands as Jenny is jerked up and down the Enderman’s girthy meat shaft, the massive mutant breeding tool stretching Jenny’s stomach like a mesh squish ball compressed beyond imagination. Notch you’re hitting so deeeeeeeeeep! Your monster co*ck was meant for wrecking human puss*! Jenny can’t help but drool and quiver as org*sm after org*sm wracks her entire body, pleasurable heat flushing her cheeks as sweat and saliva dripped down the back of her neck. Unable to restrain herself, puss* juice sprays from her plugged-up puss*, squirting love juice like an obstructed hose as she’s repeatedly slammed balls deep, a slick sticky residue of built-up love liquid caking the Enderman’s thick base. Without warning, Jenny feels a large pressure prodding at her backside, craning back to see an even more massive pink monster, its fat juicy monster meat just as girthy and imposing as it original. Of course, he can project his own soul, why couldn’t he? Jenny momentarily thinks, raising her eyebrows and voicing her concern to the overgrown pink Furby. “W-urk! Wait! That wo-ack! Won’t fit!” She coughs out, interrupted by the gentle rhythmic choking by the ME’s tongue. Regardless, the massive mutant soul tries and fails to penetrate her tight ass. After all, Jenny’s womb was already taken by his massive veiny Enderman Meat, another oversized slab entering her body would tear her apart. In a feeble attempt to stop his soul from entering her ass, though all it ends up doing is teasing him more, Jenny gently wiggles her ass back and forth to make it more difficult to aim his fat spirit rod up her tight clenching butthole. Just as she’s about to voice another concern, the ME silences her by inserting his slimy saliva-soaked tongue. Engaged in a deep kiss, Jenny can’t think straight, resisting the French make-out session at first but quickly losing steam as she inadvertently swallows the ME’s spit. Having spent years in the Radiated lands subsisting off the river water, the ME’s body had begun to naturally produce bits of potent aphrodisiac in its bodily fluids, cum and spit included. Though he had acclimated thanks to the constant exposure, Jenny had not. She can’t see it, but the timer in her status bar is reset once more, the extremity of her physical and mental corruption ticking up by the second as she continued to gulp down the black mob’s deliciously addicting saliva. Hearing no more protest, the ME’s soul projection forcibly spreads Jenny’s asshole with two handfuls of ample ass cheek, pulling them apart and lining up his anal annihilator to Jenny’s sopping wet asshole. I’m gonna break! Even through her slight protests, Jenny can’t help but flash a lopsided grin, eyes rolling back in their sockets as the largest org*sm yet makes her quiver and clench. Stars flash across Jenny’s vision as she hugs the ME tighter, almost choking him with her tight grip as the ME’s soul slams his fat throbbing spirit cannon deep into her ass, lubricated by the excessive amount of puss* juice and precum spurting from her nearby puss* lips.

With its main thought center completely dark, the towering pink spirit has no concept of restraint as he hugs Jenny’s upper half, gluing her arms to her sides as it and its physical counterpart sandwich their moaning fleshy f*cktoy between them. Like a hydraulic press, Jenny is squeezed from both sides as the two vie for dominance, each one pistoning their giant throbbing monstrosity of a co*ck in and out of Jenny’s body, stretching her holes in an effort to ruin the busty human slu*t completely. Like the stupid co*ck addicted c*mslu*t she is, Jenny can’t help but squirt and moan, drooling and panting like a bitch in heat to egg on her two black captors, though one was tinted bright pink. She’d been double penetrated plenty of times, but nothing like this. Driving deep into her puss* was the black anaconda hell-bent on plowing through her uterine wall, churning her insides as it rearranged her organs to make room for the no doubt gallons of virile chunky cum that it’d pump into her. On the other hole, his spiritual counterpart is equally focused on stretching her open, the cherry blossom bitch breaker utterly stretching her asshole with its wide girth and causing a slight gape each time he pulled back for a super-powered anal slam dunk. But his force wasn’t special, she’d had plenty of savage beasts rutting her backside, even multiple at the same time. The fact that it was a soul co*ck, albeit manifested in reality, doubled the pleasure she felt, practically f*cking the soul out of her body with each balls deep slam that filled her up with equal parts black and pink mutated Enderman co*ck. Each time his enormous meat slab pushed up into her, her soul cried out in org*sm, the Sensitivity status exponentially increasing the ecstasy reverberating through her mind. She was getting mindf*cked and real f*cked by two massive mutant mobs, their sole purpose for existing shooting their copious nut milk into fat assed slu*ts begging for black Enderman co*ck. Enduring the brutal butt rut, or more accurately enjoying it, Jenny cries out in broken phrases, trying and failing to muster any words of encouragement for the mutant pair carving out her insides due to the constant stream of moans that tried to escape her throat, not to mention the thick slimy tendril buried down her throat. Thankfully, the two mindreading mobs get the message loud and clear. Unnnnnngg! f*ck! That’s it! Keep double f*cking me! If I can’t hear those big heavy balls slapping against my fat breedable ass then do me harder!

Nothing more than a shivering mess dripping cum and puss* juice, Jenny loves every moment as she’s assaulted from both sides, a monstrous girth pounding deep into her womb and another massive pulsing spirit rod gaping her asshole while corrupting her soul. With her arms wrapped to her sides by the spirit and her legs parted by the other lover, Jenny can only bounce up and down, helplessly impaling herself on the two meaty bollards reaching the top of her throat with each balls-deep double penetration. As org*smic residue drips down her inner thighs like hot glue, Jenny desperately tries to distract herself from the mind-breaking pleasure assaulting her, unfortunately, the only other outlet available to her is the throbbing aphrodisiac-soaked tongue buried in her throat. Pushing herself forward, Jenny deepens her kiss with the mutated mob, acting as if they were lovers locked in a heated embrace and not monster and slu*t intertwined in brutal body-breaking breeding. In that moment of weakness, the fleshy human sex-sleeve forgets to breathe, gagging as she tries to regain a steady airflow. Jenny is honestly surprised when the tongue in her throat retracts itself, giving her room to breathe for a second before rewrapping around her throat in a light strangle that left her lightheaded and begging for more. My throat is hurting, my ass is gaping, and my puss* is ruined… I never want to stop being a cumdump for monster co*cks!f*cked smitten, tiny red hearts pop into existence as Jenny humps the two ginormous f*ck shafts leveling her insides, her intention to get home ASAP completely forgotten in lieu of the insatiable f*ck machines stretching out her womb and ass. With each balls deep slam, Jenny can feel the two beasts growing closer to climax, their nasty monster co*cks pulsing and throbbing for release. To prolong their pleasure, the crazed pair fall into an odd rhythm of sorts, alternating their thrusts so only one of their bitch breakers is inserted at a time. Despite the numerous girthy monstrous mob meats that Jenny has taken, her slu*tty love holes are more than tight, milking anything and anyone lucky enough to enter. With one co*ck, her body was already squeezing like a vice, tightening around the mutant’s meaty member, but two massive black co*cks at one time was simply too stimulating! With his size, one of the ME’s co*cks already filled Jenny to the brim, but two made them mash against each other inside her, drastically increasing the pressure around their sizable veiny shafts and thereby increasing the pleasure. Of course, Jenny is more than happy to accommodate any number of co*cks, satisfied with one, happy with two, and ecstatic for gangb*ngs where she’d be passed around like a common whor* for everyone’s use.

But even with their newfound f*cking method, the two are stuck on the edge of release, desperately edging themselves towards the limitless horizon of pleasure that Jenny gave them. But they’re only monsters, and even monsters have a limit. Reaching the end of their rope, and the deepest parts of Jenny’s insides, the pair begin frantically thrusting their throbbing leaky womb pleasers in and out, jerking themselves off using the fleshy onahole female gripping them tighter and tighter with each simultaneous balls deep slam and pound. Oh f*ck. Oh f*ck! Oh f*ck!! Jenny’s thoughts get progressively more scrambled and dirty as the two monsters sheath their magnum-breeding tools into her, utterly wrecking her puss* and ass, marking the holes as theirs with the hope of turning Jenny into their human mob spawner. Precum erupts from their fat oversized co*ck heads, dribbling clumps of nasty backed-up batter that further lubricated their savage assault on her bottom. Forgotten in the lengthy double penetration, Jenny is suddenly reminded of the ME’s massive malformed ballsack as they slap against the sensitive area between her puss* and ass, the giant trash bag of sperm sacks turned up to eleven as they churned out virile mutant sperm that’s only purpose was to knock up white brown-haired monster slu*ts begging for co*ck. And boy was Jenny begging. Oh Nooooootch! Breed me with your monster co*cks until I pass out, then keep f*cking me still! Harder! Harderrrrr! Thrust yourself to the back of my womb and cummmmm! Pleeeeeeaaaase! Knock me up! Knock me up! Shoot all that thick purple nut sludge deep into my wombbbbbb! But just as Jenny’s sure that they can’t hold out any longer, the unthinkable happens. With a laughably small cloud of pink smoke, the hung mutant soul projection filling up her asshole with his colossal pipe disappears, and in that disappearance is a void that desperately needed to be filled. Jenny c*ms from her ass as the gaping dripping wet orifice misses its meaty pulsing plug, winking as it rapidly tightened up, trying to recover from being stretched so wide. And in this moment of anal org*sming that marked Jenny as a whor* for lewd butt stuff, the Mutant Enderman’s fat juicy puss* pounder finally erupts.

Like a reenactment of Pompeii getting destroyed, thick glops of solid purple baby batter gush from his beating monster member, unloading gallon after gallon of ender pearls coated in sweet cum glaze. Rope after rope of slimy mutated ender sperm splash against Jenny’s uterine wall, flooding the stretched and wrecked womb with active swimmers all vying for interspecies impregnation. Copious shots of nasty nut milk splatter Jenny’s insides a pasty pink, stretching the poor abused baby room even further as it made room for an inhuman amount of mob sem*n. Her stomach bloats larger by the second, all of his dense radiated Enderman spunk spewing into the cumdump named Jenny that took it all in stride, beaming as her stomach grew larger and larger. Utterly engrossed in having her womb filled with mutant monster cum, Jenny leans in and plants a sloppy love-filled kiss on the ME’s lip one last time before the sheer size of her sem*n inflated stomach pushes her back, met with a pulse of pressure from the tongue around her neck to confirm their feelings for one another. She seeing him as a lovable partner who would fulfill her every wish, and he seeing her as nothing more than a f*ckable sextoy that would eventually birth his young. Getting bred like the stupid whor* she is, Jenny moans aloud as the ME continues to pump his fat black monolith against her womb, using Jenny’s puss* walls to squeeze out every last drop of his sludgy baby muck that already coated every inch of her stretched and ruined puss*. Given his mutated ballsack that held numerous pairs of balls for drenching human ovaries in its virile cum load, it was expected that he’d cum a lot. However, what Jenny didn’t expect was that all the built-up pleasure from his soul projection that’d f*cked and gaped her asshole would transfer to its physical body, churning its nutsa*ck into high gear as it produced thick Enderman sperm just as fast it was ejected into the fleshy human cum receptacle. As often the case, Jenny is her own downfall, having pleasured the two powerful breeders beyond the point of no return, giving them ample time and reason to knock her up with their black Enderman babies. Of course, Jenny is too brain-dead to even resist, nor would she given the chance. After all, there’s no place she’d rather be than getting her womb inflated by a massive black stranger whose cum was filled with radiation and an urge to violate other species’ genetic code.

Ohhhhhh yeeeessss! Augh! Hold me down and…. Don’t stop cumming! Jenny doesn’t realize just how close her desire is to reality as the ME lays her down on the soft grass, pinning her to the ground with two large palms on her wrists. With no chance of escape, Jenny happily accepts her fate as the massive black mob’s cum dumpster, feeling his lengthy womb wrecker grow even larger inside her as it continued to dump a profane amount of thick sludgy co*ck cream into her stomach. Stuck in a loop of nonstop mini org*sms capped with a numbing hard climax that left her brain dead, Jenny only comes too long enough to look into her captor’s eyes, the large black beads glazed over and not seeing anything except a fleshy sleeve for its massive malformed genitals to abuse over and over again. Jenny realistically couldn’t muster any intelligent thought at this point, but her intuition was always spot on. She was about to be bred so good she’d be having nightmares of this day. Jenny quivers and humps into her black mob lover as he begins his brutal breeding anew, pinning her shoulders to the ground as he slammed his lengthy monster meat to the hilt, pounding Jenny’s abused swollen womb into submission as it churned its previous cum load which continued to grow with each moment. To the common observer, Jenny looked like your typical nine-month pregnancy, albeit with monster children, but this was only the beginning. The Mutant had only begun to milk his balls, and he’d be damned if he didn’t unload everything he could into this accommodating human f*cksleeve. He didn’t care if she broke or begged or cried for more, he would rut her puss* until his balls were completely empty. And that’s exactly what Jenny wanted.


A wave of emotion akin to ice-cold water washes over the spent and battered Mutant Enderman, every muscle in his body aching and screaming for rest as the deep fog began to lift from his previously unconscious mind. Blinking away the darkness, the ME tries to focus on the moonlight as he tries to stand and falls. His legs were stretched out behind him, laying down in a superman pose with his hands planted on the ground to prevent faceplanting on the hard surface. Every limb felt like it was about to fall off, practically no energy left in his fingertips to even point, but just enough to hold him up on his elbows. What had happened to him? The last thing he remembered was drinking more of the water and… The Woman! What had happened to her? Looking along the dark horizon, he sees no sign of Jenny, only spotting the grassy plains illuminated by the moon. Judging from the moon’s position, he’d been collapsed here for more than a few hours, having met the busty little female around noon. But it wasn’t of consequence to him, it was unsurprising that he’d passed out during their love session, the curvy pocket-sized vixen was probably miles away by now, and all he had was… a pillow on his stomach? As he looks down at the round boulder-sized object, the pleasure and pain assaulting his loins suddenly becomes apparent, almost making him cum right there and then. What was this strange soft pillow pressed underneath him? It was like a baby ghast that’d ended up in the wrong dimension, yet it made no noise. Had the female left this here? For what reason? As he continued to ponder, the ME suddenly feels a tight grip around his genitals, causing his ever-ready co*ck to throb and pulse to life inside the warm and wet prison it was stuck inside. Flabbergasted by the sudden stimulation, the ME squints like an old man without reading glasses, realizing with a start that there was a head poking out from the large fleshy mass. “M-more? You’re a monster…“ Despite Jenny’s hurtful words, the ME feels his co*ck ache for another round as he looks into her hooded eyes, dark brown pupils that made no effort to hide the pure lust behind them, and her thoughts were nothing less than pure depravity, quickly retelling the past few hours of lovemaking in a flood of memories.

Watching him drink the water, his grotesque mutilated form, and hours upon hours of nonstop breeding. The ME can’t help but become aroused as countless immoral, unholy, and lecherous scenes play back in his mind, explaining the intense pain shooting through his limbs and the inhuman state of the human female. In his aroused stupor, he’d done all that he could to impregnate the lone female, unloading once, then twice, then Notch knows how many times inside her without pulling out. The only reason she hadn’t popped like a balloon was the radiation’s effect compounding upon the river water’s, making her able to hold load after load of his thick chunky monster spunk. Truly a perfect breeding slave. They’d been going at it for hours on end, draining his garbage bag balls multiple times over, so much cum packed into Jenny that she was practically unrecognizable, pinned by the weight of her own inflated womb. His entire body aching, the drained mutant slowly pulls out, strings of pink ropey cum stretching between the base of his co*ck and Jenny’s sopping wet labia, the cum glazed puss* sandwich looking deliciously breedable. But though his spirit was willing, his body was not. Continuing his tender pull out, the ME can’t help but ogle Jenny’s stomach, his co*ck involuntarily hardening to half-mast, a painful yet stimulating sensation. Jenny was splayed out underneath him, her stomach massively inflated with multiple loads, so plump and full that one could see the round indentions of ender pearls pushing out of her stomach, such an inordinate amount of soft jelly-like eggs crammed into Jenny’s womb that practically no room was left. If it wasn’t for his fat puss* pounder lodged inside her, then they’d have already ejected from their warm wet prison, he could already feel them aching to escape, pushing up against his rapidly hardening co*ck head as they tried to leave. Now somewhat off Jenny, though half of his co*ck was still lodged inside her, he notices the icky white residue caked on the base of his monstrous black shaft, coloring it a dirty off pink with how many layers of human and monster cum that’d dried there, a testament to how many balls deep thrusts he’d slammed into Jenny’s dripping wet love box. With a final push off the ground, the ME topples backward, his legs weak and unwilling to support any weight. Even as the sharp pain of his tailbone shoots up his spine, he can’t help but gawk at Jenny, the sight of her cum-drenched thighs and overly swollen stomach pushing blood to his co*ck once again. A river of pink cum squirts from Jenny’s abused and gaping puss*, glops dripping down the insides of her thighs like melted marshmallows as her womb’s plug finally disappears. Not to mention the numerous whole and shattered ender pearls that poured out of her stretched open womb, forced out by the pressure of a breaking dam. If this didn’t get her pregnant, he didn’t know what would. For a while, they just sit there, enjoying each other’s company as Jenny continues to force out waves of Mutant Enderman cum and ender pearls, simply relishing how full she felt, the numerous eggy pearls bloating her womb with their round orb shapes. Yet within her sensitive womb, she could also feel a few large orbs mixed in, all of the bigger ones lodged past her cervix and residing deep in her womb. To her knowledge, all ender pearls were the same size, so what the heck was inside her? Shrugging away her worries, Jenny nonchalantly pushes and breathes, giving birth to gallon upon gallon of cum as the sun begins to rise above the green plains. It’s late morning by the time she’s ready to go, stomach still bloated with the bigger pearls that she couldn’t squeeze out, but now a much more manageable size, roughly five or six months pregnant by the looks of it.

Turning to the ME, who’s been dutifully guarding her while she unloaded her substantial cargo, Jenny hesitantly asks for a favor, pretty sure she can’t walk the entire way back to her house on such f*cked stupid legs. “T-thanks for that Darling. But I need to go home…” She says, nervously kicking a clump of grass. The ME, much to his credit, couldn’t turn down such a cute request. She’d done everything in her power to please him, so it was only right he returned the favor. The massive mob frowns, but nods in understanding, bringing the palm of his hand to Jenny’s forehead as he probed her mind for what the house looked like, then used Jenny’s traveling memories to find the coordinates.

With a quiet bwip, the pair teleports right outside her humble adobe, albeit in a rather compromising position. Jenny is held in a standing reverse cowgirl position, the ME’s thick throbbing monster meat jammed balls deep in her aching ass as his large hands held her by the thighs. With how many memories of sex and depravity he’d seen in Jenny’s mind, he couldn’t just let her go without pumping out another few loads, even if his body protested. Pressed to the glass of her home, Jenny realized with a start that her pets were inside! Despite the loud clap clap clap of the Me’s oversized malignant ballsack slapping against Jenny’s ample buttocks on each deep pound, the three pets are leisurely laying on her bed, simply lounging as their mother and lover was brutally f*cked by a tall black stranger outside the window. Thanks to his mutant magic, the ME and his f*ckpet are completely invisible to the lounging trio inside, allowing him to ruthlessly pound Jenny’s fat jiggly ass with all his might, pressing her to the glass in a show of power. Stomach bulging and probably pregnant with the mutant’s babies, Jenny can only moan and dribble precum from her unused puss* as she mentally apologizes to her pets, though her confessions serve only to egg on harder pounding from her telepathic lover. Even as his body desperately cries out in pain, the ME stops naught, feverishly pumping his fat black breeding tool in and out of Jenny’s gaping asshole, the tight sloppy orifice squelching and drenched in cum residue that leaked from Jenny’s unfilled puss* above it. Gasping for air and afraid of breaking the glass if she leans into it too much, Jenny is helplessly f*cked right outside her own home, hot wet puss* plastered to the glass and leaking sweet nectar on the windowsill. Feeling another massive org*sm edging into her brain, our (un)faithful protagonist frantically covers her mouth, using both hands to cover the loud moaning hole as her elbows prevent a faceplant. Unfortunately for her, her hands do nothing to quiet the slight sound of hot wet labia lips slathering puss* precum on her glass, forcibly plapping against it with each anal thrust and creating a lewd imprint on the transparent surface.

Catching onto an odd yet somehow familiar scent, and noticing an almost inaudible clapping noise, Alpha jumps off the bed, sniffing around for the source. Much to Jenny’s shame and exhibitionist pleasure, the dumb dog shuffles closer and close to the spot where she’s getting rut, co*cking his head before licking at the glass where the strange steamy imprint had formed. Already on the end of her rope, Jenny covers her face as she c*ms hard right in front of her other lover, holding back a depraved girly whine as the ME continues to pound her asshole through the monumental org*sm, no regard for her post-org*sm sensitivity as he stretched and gaped Jenny’s previously tight backside. Continuing his investigation, Alpha laps at the weird steamy imprint, perplexed when it doesn’t change, if anything, the imprint grew wetter with each lap. A slick shiny fluid dripped from its bottom end, a clear liquid that stuck to the wood, pooling on the windowsill. Growing increasingly suspicious, Alpha barks to his fellow pets, mentioning an odd imprint on the window. As the trio centers around the steamy damp imprint, it grows moister by the second, a small river appearing from seemingly blank space. The longer they stared, the more the window fogged up, leaking an increasingly steady stream of the mysterious flowing liquid. Despite its nonchalant appearance, the implicit lewdness of the puss* imprint jerks them to half chub, not exactly sure why they were being turned on by the upright oval shape. Though they’d never seen anything like it, the trio couldn’t shake the feeling that the shape was something they were familiar with, almost too familiar… More intelligent than her comrades, Slimy realizes that the shape wasn’t disappearing despite Alpha’s licking because it was on the outside of the window, hurrying to the door to find the source. With a start, Slimy relays to the others that the door wouldn’t budge, not locked yet somehow stuck closed. As the trio gathers at the door, Slimy looks through the peephole, startled when she lays eyes on a massive pink Enderman glued to the door’s other side, though it’s taller, stronger, and uglier than the ones that’d been with her and Jenny. As soon as they lay eyes on the ghost-like mob, the trio suddenly becomes aware of a rhythmic thumping and clapping, the entire adobe shaking as they divert their eyes back to the mysterious foggy window.

Without magic blocking the sound and sights, the trio is flabbergasted by the sight of a massive black Enderman creature f*cking none other than their lovable mistress and mother, Jenny, whose stomach is bloated to pregnant proportions with Ender pearls and numerous shots of the stranger’s chunky cum load, which is dripping down her thighs like thick glue. Taken aback by the lewd sight of their obscenely pregnant f*cktoy getting reamed by a grotesque freakish Enderman, the trio are frozen in erect horror as the ME continues to pound Jenny against the glass, his fat black anaconda slamming balls deep on each thrust and adding a second rhythmic thumping each time Jenny’s abdomen bulged out and hit the glass. It all made sense now. The lewd imprint was their lover’s, her unfilled c*nt winking as it climaxed over and over again while squirting org*smic love juice onto the windowsill, not to mention clumps of pink Enderman sem*n. Even more telling is Jenny’s disheveled state. Their mistress was a stickler for tidying up after sex, so her frizzled hair, caked-on cum, and hugely bloated stomach only gave further evidence of many raw brutal rounds with this tireless virile black mob. Frantically trying to cover her shame, Jenny tries to hide her face once more, but her elbows slip and she faceplants on the window, f*cked stupid face mashed against the glass for her pets to see in all its cross-eyed drooling glory. After weeks without seeing the mistress they’d sworn loyalty to, their first meeting with the slu*t was watching her get f*cked by a misshapen transfigured Enderman, undeniably turned on by Jenny’s cum bloated stomach, lactating radiation inflated breasts, and huge supple ass clapping against the ME’s hips. Now with an audience, though a displeased one, the ME pounds into Jenny even harder, slamming his pulsing black monster co*ck deep into Jenny with each thrust, making her stomach jiggle and bounce against the glass while copious large ender pearl eggs churned in her womb.

Spurring into action by their anger towards Jenny, who they’d begun to suspect had abandoned them, the pets begin rifling through the house in search of something to get outside while Jenny continues to get anally brutalized, her fat wobbling ass meat clapping obscenely as she moaned like a bitch in heat. Unable to hold herself back anymore, Jenny’s whorish moans fill the room as the ME treats her like a f*cktoy, abusing her asshole with a sole purpose to break the human female. “F-fuuuuuI-I’m s-s-soooUmf! H-har-he-Ah! I-Ican-T! Wa-wai-C-Uug!Cumming!!” Even through nonstop org*sms, Jenny tries to explain the situation to the pets that meant so much to her, sincere apologies and depraved confessions turning to incoherent babbling as the Mutant Enderman kicks it up a notch, wrapping his arms under Jenny’s knees and locking them behind her head in a full nelson f*ck, flaunting Jenny’s obscene cum-inflated stomach and ahegao face to her horny scrambling pets. Though the pets are considered mobs and don’t affect the universal staring rule, the ME makes a show of rutting Jenny harder each time they glance in his direction, demonstrating his utter dominance over Jenny’s crumple mind-broken form. Admittedly, the one that kept looking was the curvaceous slime girl, her eyes darting back and forth between looking through her closet and ogling the deliciously degenerate f*ckfest happening outside the window. Despite her best efforts, the horny slime was leaking precum from her erect ovipositor, imagining how good it’d feel to be in her mother’s position, getting f*cked stupid by the massive black mob as she came uncontrollably, or even just eating out her mother’s delicious puss* as the black mutant pumped her ass full of its big round pearls. Of course, she doesn’t voice any of it to her other pets, who think only of taking their turn with their promiscuous mistress, but Slimy had no idea that the Mutant Enderman is listening in on her thoughts while breaking Jenny’s ass.

Despite the intense org*sms assaulting her mind and body every time the ME’s thick black monolith stretched out her bubble butt, Jenny is kept just conscious enough through ecstatic shame to see Slimy rifling through her closet of clothes and accessories, clenching even tighter around the ME’s veiny monster shaft when she remembers the sizable headgear she’d stashed there. Oh no! She’s gonna aggro him! I-I can’t wait! Confirming her fears and deepest desires, Slimy pulls out a carved pumpkin, chastising herself for not educating her daughter on mutant mob behavior. How was she supposed to know that carved pumpkins can still aggro Mutant Enderman? Unsuspecting that the ME had led her daughter to the closet with his mental prowess, Jenny can only watch and pray as the busty slime girl puts on the comical orange headgear. Slimy had expected the ME to stop assaulting her mother, or at least unlock the doorway given her masked pumpkin state, but instead the ME lets loose a violent ear-piercing scream that knocks the trio to the ground. Fallen on the ground, the three lovable companions are nauseated, poisoned, and hungry thanks to the ME’s scream, left in an erect throbbing mass of limbs as they’re forced to watch Jenny get f*cked silly with no way of helping her. Even worse, the scream seems to have had a different effect on their moaning drooling mistress, our busty protagonist lodged around his growing co*ck and experiencing a slew of sexually positive effects. Nausea becomes a need to be bred, the weakness becomes a new layer of sensitivity centered around her breedable womb, and the hunger erupts into a co*cklust that makes Jenny yearn for cum! Losing sight of himself thanks to the blinding aggression, the ME can’t help but pull out his smaller subset of arms and readjust Jenny’s position. One large hand wraps around her waist, jerking her up and down on his lengthy black monster meat like a living fleshy f*cktoy. The other big hand firmly grasps Jenny’s chin, holding her head up and facing the suffering pets as she drowned in more pleasure. Jenny couldn’t even admonish her daughter for putting on the mask, nor did she want to given the ME’s newfound fervor in breaking her. Despite their minuscule size, the ME’s second set of arms are equally gifted at pleasing females, simply more detail-oriented than their large counterparts. The smaller pair is busy at Jenny’s exposed puss*, one spreading open her puffy labia to show the pets how much cum he’d pumped into her while the other is rapidly twiddling Jenny’s erect cl*t, pushing Jenny to scream in org*sm as she c*ms, splattering cum juice all over the windows of her home as she squirts and screams and cries in bliss.

The home which she’d built to cultivate her pets’ love was now drenched in her and the ME’s love juices, a delightfully naughty affair gone completely wrong. Not wanting her pets to suffer any more than they already have, Jenny begins to beg for his cum in the hopes that another load would stop his brutal mind-breaking sex, though a small part of her secretly prays that he keeps pounding away at her ass. Convincing herself of the faulty logic, Jenny reasons with herself that the sooner he came, the sooner her pets would be freed from their negative statuses, not to mention now was the best time to cum given his anal impalement. If he comes inside my puss*, I’ll lose my mind~ Mustering up all her willpower, and fueled by a desire to save her pets, Jenny manages to string together a few sentences, albeit corrupt ones. “Oh F-f*ck! Destroy my ass! Notch you’re so biiiiiiiig! I can feel my belly bulging from every thrust of your massive monster co*ck! Push it deeper and deeper until I’m your co*cksleeve! Pound my ass! Stretch that tight hole! Break me! Fill me with your hot radiated spunk! Fill meeeeee!” Taking her begging as submission, but clued in to her true intent, the ME pulls out for a moment, met with an unconscious whine from Jenny, then slams his giant throbbing mutant co*ck deep into Jenny’s dripping wet puss*. “Ohhhhhhhhhh~” Overwhelmed by the sudden balls deep insertion, Jenny is left a shivering mess as her cervix is molested, womb being used as the ME’s knocked-up cumdump while his little hands continue to squeeze and gyrate her cl*t, though the other has now found residence lodged in her asshole, clenching and unclenching a small fist to keep Jenny begging for more. To drive in the final nail of Jenny’s corruption, the ME faces her toward the soul projection blocking the doorway, phasing it into an exact replica of Jenny. Even drunk on monster sex, Jenny understands how far she’d fallen, eyes glazing over completely as she realizes the mutant had tricked her. Feeding her false information in mental projections to sate all his sick desires, from rimming the hung black mob to even letting him impregnate her with multiple thick virile loads, having completely fallen for his wiles and submitted herself to the rabid beast’s sexual advances. What’s worse, the mental sensitivity from the river water had made her all the more susceptible, believing every word he telepathically said, happily sucking his co*ck dry and acting as the perfect c*mslu*t for his monstrous throbbing dong. Sensing Jenny’s complete and utter subjugation to his girthy breeding tool, physically and mentally, he seals the deal with a small slap to her cheek, immediately plummeting the busty slu*t into darkness as the blindness debuff sets in.

Unable to see anything other than her own ahegao face in the reflective glass, Jenny gradually loses the reason for withstanding the brutal pounding. Ending her pets’ suffering is kicked to the curb as Jenny sinks deeper into depravity, no visible reason to keep f*cking the ME beside her own sick pleasure. “Yesshhhhhhhhhh~ Ram that fat co*ck into my womb! Ram that thick black dick into my ovaries! Just fill my womb with your ji*zz! Make me pregnant! Put a baby in meeeeeee!” She screams as the ME successfully conquers her, pounding his giant throbbing monster co*ck deeper and faster with each passing second, his girthy member swelling as it prepared to unload one last creampie. Unnnnnh! I can feel the thick backed-up baby batter rising in his co*ck! With a guttural growl, the ME slams Jenny down on his spasming member, the fat tip of his monstrous member smushing right into her uterus as it exploded in a bucket of pink and green, unloading his dense ropey seed mixed with broken ender pearls into Jenny’s heaving womb, stomach bulging as she’s made into an Endermen nest full of ender pearls and viscous pink cum. Her trio of pets is forced to watch in stiff dismay as Jenny’s stomach bloats like a beach ball, quickly inflating to the size of a block and still growing. Rope after rope of the ME’s dense monster sem*n pours into Jenny’s ruined baby room, plastering her uterus in layer after layer of raw nasty spunk as she clenched harder and harder, climaxing from the copious load filling up her puss*. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming! AHHhH! Oh f*ckkkkkk! It’s hot! And thick! He’s breeding meeeeeee!” His horrendous mutated ballsacks clench up in succession as each pair of balls shot its load into their moaning mind-broken cumdump one after another, completely draining every drop of mutant seed into Jenny’s wildly stuffed womb. Larger and larger Jenny swells, her stomach noticeably distended from the inordinate amount of cum gushing into her like a malfunctioning dam. Understanding that it’s his last load, the ME gives a few more jerks inside Jenny, eliciting more moans and a few more shots of chunky mutated spunk, Jenny’s womb reaching full capacity as the round orbs inside her push outwards, creating bulbous indentions on her stomach with how full she is. She hadn’t noticed given her promiscuous endeavors, but Sensitive had worn off already, forcing her body to relative normality and only able to receive one of the throbbing monster’s loads without popping like a balloon, though she was already the size of 4 blocks combined from that one sperm donation. “My stomach feels so full… my puss*’s breaking… my womb is… his!” Jenny squeaks out, much to the shame and anger of her pets, who are stuck in place, watching, hearing, and throbbing at the depraved spectacle unfolding before them.

The pets can do nothing but writhe in confusion and arousal as their mistress and mother was impregnated by the tall black stranger, Jenny’s pleasure twisted face all too familiar, but now being caused by the mutant stranger’s pulsing meaty mutated girth instead of her own lovers’. Though they don’t have the blindness debuff, the trio can’t make eye contact as they scan their sextoy’s radiation inflated parts, unable to look at anything other than Jenny’s expanding stomach as she’s blacked raw, only catching the occasional glimpse of her pleasure twisted face, though the sounds of skin on skin and Jenny’s incessant begging gives them a clear mental image. The sound of him unloading is like a fire hose in Brooklyn going off, squelching as an excessive amount of fertile mutant Enderman sperm floods Jenny’s womb, the sound emanating around the house as the last few dense shots of hyper-fertile cum and pearls are planted against Jenny’s uterine lining. Drained of cum, the ME gives a quick nod to the horny slime girl before teleporting him and his broken onahole to the top of a nearby waterfall, planting one last suggestion inside Jenny’s mind before disappearing with a bwipbwop.

Our VERY full protagonist comes too a bit later, her gaping puss* dripping pink cum and gushing ender pearls, though she notes even more of the bigger “pearls” lodged inside her womb. “Oh notch…. I should ask for favors more often~ Thank you Mr. Enderman for the gift.” Jenny groans out, reflexively licking her lips as she rubbed her cumflated stomach. Doing damage control, Jenny looks around first to establish her surroundings, noticing with a non-insignificant amount of gratitude that she was now at the cliff atop her home’s lake, right where she’d started this long journey into the Red Lands. Trying to move, she quickly realizes just how heavy her swollen stomach was, chuckling to herself as she lays back, jerking when she knocks over a small potion bottle. Reaching behind her, which is more difficult than usual given her pregnant state, Jenny picks up the bottle of glowing liquid, quickly realizing that it was a vial of radiated river water, courtesy of the hung mutant. Stashing the potion in her inventory, Jenny spares a moment to think of her pets. She could only imagine what they were doing right now, their debuffs were now gone, but they’d be undeniably erect as they imagined their poor mother’s org*sm-wrecked body, truthfully so. Looking upon herself, Jenny gushes a little harder, half from embarrassment at the slu*tty state of her body, and half from arousal at the lewd sight. Her tit* had swollen larger, lactating slightly, and her hips were wide and juicy ass plump with jiggle. Not to mention her gaping puss* and ass, her cl*t red and swollen from stimulation, and it didn’t take much imagination to remember the mask of pleasure her face was twisted into as she jerked and spasmed in post-org*sm/brutal breeding, still squirting loads of cum eggs from her abused lovebox. Done with her round of self-checking, Jenny begins the ordeal of pushing out the copious cum load flooding her insides, thankful when bunches of sticky ender pearls slide out with relatively low resistance. “At least I won’t ever need to go hunting for ender pearls!” Jenny jokes to no one in particular, but her follow-up thought is more than telling of her true feelings. Though I might have to go Pearl hunting just for some extra-large fun…

Resuming her rhythmic pushing, it’s no surprise that all the ender pearls come out easily, after all, the ME’s fat girth had stretched her inner walls so much that it’d take some time before she was back to prime tightness. But the sizable masses deep in her womb still eluded her, refusing to be pushed out, no thanks to her stubborn cervix. With most of the baby weight gone in 3 stacks of Ender pearls, Jenny sits up to a wide squat, taking a deep breath and using gravity to aid her push. With a herculean effort, one of the large blobs give, and out pops an eye of Ender! Though she’s too occupied to notice it. It’d taken so much effort to push it out, not to mention its large stretching size, Jenny had accidentally climaxed as it escaped, eyes rolling back in their sockets and reflexively groping her soft lactating breasts as she fell onto her back. After the org*sm wears off, Jenny takes a few deep breathes before being able to think again. Well that was unexpected. I’m not usually this sensitive… Is the radiation still affecting me? With a bit of hesitation, Jenny opens her status window, frowning as she notices the Radiated effect still there, though with only a few minutes left. But the good news was that it’d be gone by the time she arrived home! Sitting up on her elbows, she looks down to see the Eye of Ender, eyes bulging as she thanks her stars. “Wow! Looks like that Mutant was more special than I thought! And that explains the bigger lumps he’d pumped into me!” Jenny beams, gathering that there should be just enough lodged inside her to lead her to a Stronghold, though she already knew where one was. Steeling her nerves, Jenny resumes the arduously pleasurable process of pushing out the Ender Eyes. There was still a fair amount of them inside her, so she needed to push them out now before they could mature into the prolific breeder she knew their father to be.

As we leave Jenny pushing out Ender Eyes atop a waterfall, let’s look at the pets, shall we? As soon as the mating pair had disappeared into thin air, the negative effects had gone with them, and they were now fuming with anger and begrudgingly aroused, but not willing to just jerk themselves off. They knew their mistress was closed, she’d probably had to “bribe” the ME to teleport her here, but they wouldn’t go looking for the busty whor*. Oh no. The succulent slu*t had neglected her pets for far too long this time. They were going to wait for Jenny to come crawling back to them of her own accord, and they’d be ready to give her a night she won’t soon forget…

Jenny's Odd Adventures - Chapter 42 - StoryGalory (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.